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Shenzhen Cononmark Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd.

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What's photography light? How to purchase?

Author:Shenzhen Cononmark Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd.issuing time:2017-12-14 16:39:46Views:4770SML

1, a small studio to buy a small lamp power: shooting 5 ping below the ceiling height below 3 m 1, the best buy about 200 watt lamps, not more than 400 watts.....
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1, a small studio to buy a small lamp power: shooting 5 ping below the ceiling height below 3 m 1, the best buy about 200 watt lamps, not more than 400 watts.
2. Large studios to buy the power of light: shooting more than 5 ping space, the ceiling height of 3 meters 1 or more, it is best to buy 400 & sim; 600 watts lamps.
3. External flash light output is no less than the studio lamp, but due to the slow callback and easy to hot, shooting mode must be considered; if often continuous shooting, it is advisable to buy shed light.
4. Shade lights have extra lights, single lights and barrels, it is recommended that the average person by the outside light and light a single lamp is appropriate to start, if you want to shoot at high speed, the barrel is more suitable.
5, some of the photography lights are special, not universal, and some photographic lights are driven by * strong battery, so buy a photographic lamp have to consider the existing battery capacity, if necessary, may require additional purchase.

* Note: Photographic light as a more important photographic equipment, the real use of photography enthusiasts are still a minority, many of my friends do not know how to improve the shooting quality of the dark environment, or complain about the lack of performance of digital When you really want to make the hands of the digital video camera to play a practical value, the acquisition of a photographic lamp, is very necessary.

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