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Shenzhen Cononmark Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd.

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What is the role of radome? When to be used?

Author:Shenzhen Cononmark Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd.issuing time:2017-12-14 16:39:46Views:3261SML

The role of the radome is to shoot a very hard light strong light, to a certain height of the light, the aperture can be used to shoot a small, showing the details of the characteristics and strong texture. Radome as the largest reflector, of course, can be used with the hive, the exchange can be used for the main ligh...
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The role of the radome is to shoot a very hard light strong light, to a certain height of the light, the aperture can be used to shoot a small, showing the details of the characteristics and strong texture. Radome as the largest reflector, of course, can be used with the hive, the exchange can be used for the main light and modified light. The light source area is smaller than the softbox, the irradiation intensity is bigger than the softbox, the level is very rich, the light ratio is bigger, the function of the "honeycomb and the radome" is to let the light appear the layered feeling, harder and harder to shoot the fashionable personality Male and female students when the effect is more obvious. 

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